Jobs-to-be-Done Research in a Crowdfunded Business
Angel Studios, an entertainment distribution company powered by crowdfunding, needed insights on aspirational goals for crowdfunders. Matching crowdfunder goals to service design and messaging would result in stronger value delivery to users, higher engagement, and increased retention.
The Head of Design requested Jobs to be Done research to identify desired outcomes and painpoints for crowdfunders.
Jobs to be Done, a business framework popularized by Clayton Christenson, begins with a research-based approach to understanding user needs, then matches products and services directly to those needs.
A six week plan was set in motion to discover primary crowdfunder jobs and desired outcomes through qualitative and quantitative sources.
Several unknowns were collaboratively identified in cross-departmental conversations.
- Priorities — What’s important to crowdfunders regarding screen-based entertainment?
- Motivations, Aspirations — Why and when do crowdfunders financially support screen-based entertainments?
- Pain Relievers — What benefits do they receive from financially supporting quality crowdfunded shows?
- Where else do crowdfunders give of their resources?
- Competitors — Where else do active viewers engage in quality screen-based entertainments?
Research Methods
Interviews — A set of 20 qualitative interviews was scheduled with Angel Studios crowdfunders to reveal the most important, least satisfied customer needs.
Interview findings were tagged and grouped. Tags were written as Jobs to be Done outcome statements. (For details on this process, see Jobs to be Done and The Jobs to be Done Playbook). Each statement had a direction (minimize, maximize) + unit (time, ability, likelihood) + qualifier (when).
After interview analysis was completed and primary jobs with desired outcomes were identified, a survey was sent to confirm/disprove the qualitative groupings of most important, least satisfied needs. (Survey confidence level 95% and a confidence interval +/- 5.)
Survey outcomes quantified most important, least satisfied underserved needs of the crowdfunder as well as confirmed core functional jobs and desired outcomes for emotional, and social components.
A persona representing the crowdfunder was created. Marketing and Product teams immediately began implementing findings.
After applying Jobs to be Done UX Research findings to a crowdfunded show, crowdfunding increased 250%.
Livestreams targeted crowdfunder desired outcomes, dramatically increasing engagement. For example, one show’s livestream increased gift sales by 1,200%.
When Jobs to be Done findings were applied to overall designs and marketing, revenues increased by an average of 10%. One show’s revenue increased 35%.
The crowdfunding portal was redesigned to reduce crowdfunder confusion through improved information design.
Lessons learned
Angel Studios is experiment-driven and moves fast. Strong collaboration and lightweight communication were key to keeping findings relevant to teams and stakeholders. Design recommendations and marketing copy was preferred over referencing research documentation.